My craft room is a mess, we are having to move stuff around because MY space has to be shared with Install Heroes stuff, and I mean lots of stuff. I have not done anything crafty, and I have new sets of stamps that I have not got to use yet.
On a more serious note, I am very sad, my brother (in law) which I think of him as a blood brother because I have been around so long, he joined the Marines and he leaves for boot camp today. I am upset with myself because life is just passing by and you don't think about till too late, we don't spend enough time with Aaron and Rebecca. They invited us over to their house on Thursday for dinner so that we could visit with them just the four of us, and It was very nice. We went to a going away party last night for him at Rebecca's sisters house, and I had a very good time. We have a breakfast this morning with all the family at 8 a.m. and we see him off at 4 p.m. People probably think that it is silly to be sad, but Aaron had never been away from home this long all together he will be gone somewhere like 6 months. I am very excited for him and can't wait to see in in his uniform. I get to see him graduate in July.

Ok, had lots to talk about, sorry for rambling on, and on.