Aaron and Rebecca at his graduation.

First time seeing martini grass. Hilton Head

This is the view from the beach club patio. Hilton Head.

This is Adam with his new BFF Gretchen! She is Rebecca and Aaron's dog. She is in love with Adam.
Sorry I have been slacking with my blog lately. We have been so busy all summer. I have not wanted to craft in a while, my craft space is upside down and all over the place with trying to come up with a good way to lay everything out. The summer started out very hectic for us. We thought we would never get out pool up and running. Adam worked on it for 2 weeks. Since Adam is unemployed from the Circuit City close, we can go whenever I am not working, and going is all we do. My brother in law left in March for Parris Island (Marine Boot Camp), while he was gone Adam and I became extremely close to Adam's sister in law Rebecca. I never took the time before to get to know her, and when I finally did she makes me laugh all the time and I love her dearly, and her family treats me and Adam like extended family. I am very thankful for that.
Aaron graduated boot camp in June and we took vacation at the same time, off to Hilton Head we went. Rebecca's sister has a home there, they live there in the summer and Knoxville in the winter. Rebecca, Adam, and I headed up and stayed with her sister, we had a great time. Aaron was home for 9 days, we feel lucky because we got to spend a lot of time with him while he was home, he was super busy getting things in line and they made time for us.
Forth of July weekend was packed. I had to work the whole weekend, but I get off very early so Friday was spent at family lakehouse, Saturday party and Adam's parents, Sunday brunch at Lakeside Tavern with Aaron and Rebecca and dinner with the family. Monday after the 4th Aaron, Rebecca and Adam headed off to Camp Lejune to drop him off.
The next weekend was Adam 30th birthday. July 10 Friday night 14 of us went to Sidesplitters for the Hypotist show, one of our own Gary went up on stage and talk about funny. I have never laughed so hard. If you have never been you have to go sometime. Saturday I suprised Adam with a party, it was very hard to pull off since his uncle asked him what to bring to our house on Saturday. I still went on as planned. He does not like suprises. He was a good sport.
The next week was bad, my back went out Monday morning and I was down for 3 days. Adam and I have a new obsession, Dexter!!!!!! we have watched all 3 seasons in a matter of 4 days. Saturday I had a baby shower for Allison and Shawn.
This weekend we are going out of town again and will be gone for 4 days.
I hopefully will slow down soon and blog about something better than what I have been doing.